Life is finally taking shape. All my hopes and fears and dreams are being realised, vanquished and dreamt. It’s like the hands of the gods have been placed over me and like nothing could ever go wrong again. I mean of course I know something’s gonna go tits-up at some point. But I’m not going to think about that right now. I haven’t blogged in a week. Mainly due to the fact that I had my internet revoked at work and most of my blogs were lunch-time musings. But hey. Everything is coming together. In light of which I feel I should recount the tales of my planning.
So. I finally think I know what Emma’s birthday present is going to be. Well I knew when I bought the canvas that I was going to do something creative on it for her. But I wasn’t too sure what. I tried the whole printing out a quarter of her face on 6 x 4 paper and sticking it together at funny angles. Unfortunately her nose go missed out the middle (not through any fault of my own, more through the fault of the stupid printer) so that idea went down the drain. Now my idea has turned into something a little more modern art and less “best-friends forever” which is good. It means more serious and less cheese, which always equals a good birthday present. What I’m thinking is doing stripes of different thicknesses down the left hand side and some diagonal ones on the bottom left corner. Then probably do some kind of lightning bolt-style motif-ey-thing from the top right hand corner diagonally down. Then from there I’m thinking possibly doing some circles, of different sizes. All depending on what I come up with when I design it this evening. All I know is that it’s going to have lots of bold colours and be just absolutely epicly awesome. After some designing has been done, I shall then continue to plan her epic night-into-town, which will be as a kind of half
“birthday surprise”, half “you’ve never been into town” affair. I mean I know she’s going to be having her own birthday party that she’s organising, and that it would be unfair to not let her do that. So this isn’t going to rival that, merely go along side it and you know, be fun and cool and drunken!
In other news. I’m feeling a lot better about being with Sam. Not that I ever wasn’t happy about being with him, you must understand. I was always happy being with him (otherwise I wouldn’t be with him). It’s just I was always cautious because of him going to
But fuck that.
I’ve organised him a really special day on Sunday. I don’t think he reads me blog. So I think I’m safe to reveal the plans.
So yeah. He doesn’t know much. He knows that I’m waking him up about 10:30 and that I’ve got something planned for him, but he has no idea what and he’s really intrigued and excited and I feel powerful. Mwahahaha.
So yeah. I’m picking him up at 10:30. He’ll probably just be waking up around then so I’ll you know, get him his coffee, wake him up even more and just generally make sure he’s ready to get going. This may take longer than planned (‘cause Sam’s not a morning person) but I’ve left enough time (I hope).
Then I’m taking him into town for a lazy brunch at All Fired Up, which is an epic cafĂ© that does have pottery painting facilities. Not on Sunday though unfortunately. Maybe some other day.
There we will eat whatever we fancy, drink whatever we want and chat and talk and be generally the sickly couple that no-body who’s single really wants to be around.
Then we’re going to the cinema for the 12:40 (off the top of my head) showing of The Proposal which looks good. I wanted to go see Bruno or The Hangover but they’re on much later. And that doesn’t fit in with the plan. But hey.
So we watch the film, nom-nomming (technical term – infinitive “to nom”) on chocolate (popcorn is horrible yuuuuck!) and hopefully laughing (it’s a rom. com.) and generally having a good time. Then it’s back to his where I will cook him food (probably pasta based). Then we will dine on pasta based food and gorge ourselves on chocolate cake made form 100% bars that I purchased from Hotel Chocolat in
Then it’s upstairs for a massage and whatever else follows. I’ll leave that to your imagination.
That’s all for now.