Saturday, 13 February 2010

So, here I am again, blogging my way through the anger that's been welling up inside me all evening. Gods it's been a while and I forgot how cathartic it was to pour my heart out onto some meaningless blog filled with ramblings that no-one really ever reads. No matter how poetic I make it sound it is still a lonely space of the internet reserved for those fortunate enough to find it.

*Beware abrupt topic change*

Don't you just hate siblings?

I mean siblings in general I've found to be nothing more than an extra person in a game of cricket in the garden, or an annoyance comparable to a little itch that's stuck right underneath your shoulder-blade, in a place that you can reach but not scratch.

The sibling I hate? My own.

I have a sister. She is annoying as hell. She's got to that age where she thinks she can wrap the whole goddamn world around her little finger. I don't fall for it. But having said that, there's not much I can do about it to be honest.

I take her places when my parents are too busy and I'm not. Something that I think any brother who's nice and kind like me would do.

It's a shame she's been abusing it. Not much mind you, but it's the little things. The fact that whilst I'm taking her friend home she has to come with us and then just pop into her house to to put some music on a memory-stick "quickly".

I wouldn't have minded had she discussed with me. I wouldn't have minded it quick meant 5 minutes. It did only mean ten minutes. But that's after I've already been treated like a free taxi by my cousin for whom I was "doing a favour".

Well you owe me Ben.

And this was all after 8:00p.m. too. Fucking annoying.

And this can only happen because I'm home.

Ok so yeah I'm home because I'm going skiing with the family tomorrow and I wouldn't say no to a free holiday but it's fucking annoying.

Am I allowed to be annoyed?

I mean I haven't gone into the full details but to be honest I'm made to feel sometimes like I have more than everybody else and that having an annoying sister isn't that big of a problem.

No-one in particular makes me feel this way, it's just a general kind of thing that I seem to feel when I bitch about things that are considered "mere annoyances".

Anyway time for some "alone time" seeing as I'm gonna be with family all week.

And then sleeps.
