So here I am again. In a slightly weird mood. Granted I had an ok day, minus the getting lost on the way into Manchester; and on the way out. But oh well. To he honest though I don't think that's what's brought down my mood. Maybe it's just the heat. Or rather the humidity. Because it is rather (i.e. very) humid today. So much so that it's been raining on and off all day. But that's the north-west for you. On a slightly happier note, I did buy some awesome neon/u.v. nail.-varnish and eyeliner, both of which I'm wearing now, the former of which has been applied rather shit-ly seeing as I haven't worn nail-varnish for going on nearly a year now. Or longer. I'm not too sure. Basically the moment I stopped being a goth, I stopped wearing it. Not because I wouldn't just because black nail-varnish doesn't really go with many guy outfits. Neither does neon green, badly applied really, but I don't care. Meh I felt the need to blog. I don't know why. Maybe it's the surge of emotions all at once. Maybe it's just the sheer need for me to stop and slow, down and just literally that I have far too much energy in my system. I don't know. Either way it's not too good. I feel ok, but ok in the sense that I think I'm going to go and get wasted tonight just because it's the weekend and I can, but also in the hope that it might make me feel better, even though I know it won't.

Not that I'm an alcoholic you unerstand. Most definitely not. I have a few friends that are possibly boderline, but not me. Hoppefully never.
And on that sombre note that is all for now.
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