I had never realised how much fun it was to dance with glow-sticks. But then again I'd never done it. Trust me, it's fun. But what's even more fun is when you tie a shoe-lace to the end of each glow-stick and dance with them like they were poi, or something. It's awesome. I was getting cool looks and people telling me it looked cool all night. Of course there were a few dickheads, but to be honest I just walked away and left them to be drunk, dick-heads. It was a fun night. Even if Jon did leave early, but to be honest his knee was hurting, so I can understand why he left. On top of the fact that he never really does well on a night out when there aren't a lot a people he knows. But that's by the by. Purely coincidental I'm sure. Back to my goodnight. I didn't even need to be that drunk either. I mean I'm fairly sober now. Bit tired and slightly tipsy possibly, but definitely not drunk. I mean I only had one double in the Yorkie, three
smirnoff ice, one
sourz, two orange
vk's and and an apple J2O in Sugar, so really I shouldn't be drunk of that anyway. And I'm not. So all is good. I was planning a big, heavy night just because it was the last night, but to be honest I had far more fun
with my glow-sticks. Which is good, because it means I won't be hungover for my dad's birthday tomorrow. Which reminds me, I have to make him a card. Crap. Oh well, I'll do it in the morning.
That's all for now. All in all, it was an epic night.

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