Tuesday, 30 June 2009


I'm surprised I didn't say this earlier. But you know, you forget some things. I mean I didn't forget this, it's only just really sinking in. But here goes for nothing.


If two lesbians can do it and call it sex, then so can I.

Well what can I say, it's been nineteen long years of waiting, but finally I've done it. No pun intended you understand. Now I can quite happily say I'm not a genophobe. I mean as much as I'm kinda scared of going all the way, most people would be if they were about to have their anus invaded. Yeah that's right. At this point I guess I should let y'all know that I'm bi-sexual. Most people I know, know that I am, but I doubt you luverly people in cyberspace do. It's amazing what you take as a given. It's like I assume naturally that people know I'm bi-sexual. A family friend found out, through her daughter (who I don't speak to), who found out through facebook, that I was "in a relationship" and she asked me "So who is she then?" and I wondered why she was so confused when I said "His name is Sam". But heh, what can you do.

So, that's that news out of the way. Slightly old news. But it's out of the way non-the-less.

I must get back to work.


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