Saturday 15 August 2009

The world is dead...

The world is dead tonight.

I don't know why but everybody who claims to stay up late doing nothing has deserted the cyberspace to either do other things or sleep.


If cyberspace is quiet then you obviously don't stay up late doing random things because you'd be recording it on social networking sites just like you did during the day.

I wish I was feeling like this last night.


I had my boyfriend over which was nice. We watched Edward Scissor hands. I've not seen it in years. It was good. Then we ate ice-cream and watched some of "Live at the Apollo".

It was funny.

Then we got onto The Shawshank redemption.

Then I fell asleep.

This wasn't as good. But meh. He never minds. It's becoming a regular occurrence now. Only when we're watching films mind. But still. Then at like 3:00 in the morning I suggested we go to bed.

This resulted in sex, which was good, if a little strange. Well strange isn't the right word. I mean see I've never known anyone be "too hot" for sex. And whilst it was nice, and he wasn't too hot so as to finish me off, I felt like I almost wasn't a turn-on enough for him.

He assured me that it was just the temperature of the room. And to be fair it is a hot room (with the aga chimney running through one of the walls) and he doesn't like the heat at all. So I did believe him. It's more the case that I felt bad because of it.

I'll get over it.

But no. Tonight I have an energy that I wish I'd had last night. Because you know, Sam was up for staying up later, drinking more and watching more Shawshank, and possibly other stuff that was on t.v.

But alas it wasn't to be. I needed sleep. And he felt obliged to join me. Which is fair enough.

But tonight I have so much energy.

I sat outside with my laptop, some good music, and unknown amounts of Vodka and Coke. It was epic. The stars were out and I was in full rave mood, listening to Code 64, Apoptygma Berzerk, The Prodigy and Pendulum. It was awesome.

Now I'm being obsessed with Frankmusik's "Confusion Girl" and that's being played (via youtube) on repeat.

I think it's time to read more Alan Bennett.

Talking Heads = win.

And then I should probably sleep. So's I can be productive tomorrow.

That's all for now.


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