Thursday 25 June 2009

One of THOSE days...

We all have them. And I'm having one today. One of THOSE days. You can't tell what's wrong, you just know something's not quite right and you just can't concentrate, you just can't quite work, you just can't quite do anything. It's annoying. I'm supposed to be working but instead I've just been playing FreeCell and now I'm blogging. Productive (*Sarcastice face*). But meh. I don't know how to get over this feeling. I just wish that I'd put Enigma on my i-pod, I put everything else that I wanted to, but I refrained from putting the Enigma on; just because. I don't know why. I mean ok, it left room for me to put some Prodigy on, but right now I really could do with some Enigma. Bleurgh. At least I'm doing some interesting stuff with music at the moment.

I think I've decided what I'm going to do my Pagan Soc. talk on next term. I'm fairly sure I'm going to do, The Psychonaut - journey into the soul. Or something similar. And if not than, then I'll do something on music in trance. But really that can be covered in The Psychonaut. It's nice not to have to think for ages about a topic for once. When I stood in for somebody, I just did a Crystal talk because I could ramble for a bit, and do some practical. With my Meditation talk, I did it because it was very practical and allowed for not much planning. This however should be better than both of those combined. I will find loads of information and get loads of research done of the summer and it will be awesome. With a little practical as well. Because practical is always good. I'm going to blog about this in my Electrtonic Book Of Shadows (my other blog) at some other point, this was just an idea that needed getting down right here, right now, in the flow of mid-blog.

Where was I? Oh yes I remember. This random feeling. Having one of THOSE days. Oh well. I can't do anything about it. And blogging seems to have helped a little. So I guess it's back to work.

Quote of the day: "It's all in the mind" - Anon.

Song of the day: Can't sleep - Above and Beyond

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