Wednesday 15 July 2009

Swine Flu is a lie...

I'm not ill. Honest. I'm denying that I have an illness (that I don't really have) so that if I do get it I will be prepared to deny it and so that it will go away faster if I deny it. But then was I ever really ill if I was denying it all along?

Oh I don't know. But whatever it is I may (or may not) have is not going to stop me doing stuff. I'm going to eat, and sleep and I'm definitely still going out on Thursday. If it gets a lot worse then I'll have to stay in, but i won't because I don't have an illness.

Normally when I'm ill i don't feel like eating, and because I don't eat I lose energy and because I lose energy I get more weak and more ill and don't want to eat. Etc etc. It's a spiral that's hard to get out of. So i'm going to eat, and do stuff and try and stay out of bed (except to sleep at night) and try my hardest not to be ill (which shouldn't be too hard considering I'm not actually ill).

That is all for now.



Quote of the day: "It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept." - Bill Watterson

Song of the day: Delphic - This Momentary

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