Monday 13 July 2009

And the sun is calling my name, the trumpets calling me into action...

Today is a day for doing things. I can feel it. Or rather the coming days. I felt productive yesterday until I realised that I really hadn't done all that much, so today I'm going to make a conscious effort to, you know, do stuff that is productive. I'm hoping that I'm actually going to move out of my uni room today. It's a big task, but I'm sure I can do it. I'm really sure. If I put my mind to it. I've been putting it off, on the basis that "I'll do it some other time." and you know I'm always putting it off. But I think that if I drive to Lancaster then I'll have no reason but to finish taking everything out because I'll feel like it's a wasted trip otherwise. You know, I normally go to Lancaster to see Sam or go out with people or whatever, and I always bring little bits back here and there but I'm not out of my room yet just because I've not actually been up there just to tidy my room. I've not been up there just to move out, and I think that if my mind was focused on that instead of drinking or meeting people or whatever then it would be good. I'm hoping I get annoyed that i'm not out yet, and annoyed at the mess and because I'm annoyed, start a bit of a cleaning frenzy, and take everything that needs to come home down to my car, and throw away other stuff, and just generally tidy and clean and then clean and tidy and then hopefully it'll all be done.

It's wishful thinking to an extent, but if I'm really honest, I'm fairly sure I'll do it. Then I shall return home for food and other relaxation. Or possibly cleaning and tidying the house that is still a bit of a mess from my BBQ on Friday (which was really good BTW). Depending on what time I get back from Lancaster. 'Coz I can't be doing with a late night. I wasn't up especially late last night, but my early 10:00p.m. bedtime was ruined last night when I realised that I still had bright u.v. green nail-polish on, and that maybe bright green, or maybe nail-polish in general, wasn't right for work. Not on me at any rate.

After today I've not got a lot planned but I know I'm going to put the rest of my pictures up on Tuesday. And then I'm going out on Thursday, providing I can crash at Robs afterwards. On Wednesday I'm thinking I'll just stay in at home and watch t.v. or read or something. I'm not too sure, but I'm thinking a mid-week break from doing stuff would be nice. If the house is still a mess by then, then I'll do some tidying, but it shouldn't be. I'm hoping it won't be.

That's all I have for now. Which might seem ironic seeing as this is one of my longer lunch-time blogs. Fuck that.

Quote of the day: "Whoever says artists can't deal with corporate pressures because they have frail minds, is missing out on the potential the artistic mind has to boost company morale and increase productivity. Most artists would just as soon quit once they become conscious of their exploitation and that is a sign of strength not weakness.” - Martin Danksy

Song of the day: Supernova - Mr. Hudson Ft. Kanye West

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